FA Sales Tip #18: Develop Messaging You Love Through Practice

Messaging is more than the words you say, it's the way in which you deliver it, your confidence, conviction, and enthusiasm. This is why as part of the messaging development process you need to practice using it!

It's easy (for some of us) to craft compelling and interesting ideas on paper but it has to feel right in conversation and in marketing or its impact will be muted.

Practice provides valuable information to refine and strengthen your messaging (your key message may largely stay the same but it's common for the ancillary points to evolve as you and your business evolve).

Whether it's just you or a team, try it out in live and mock situations — listen, learn and refine.

  • How do you bring your values, solutions and clients' needs to life?

  • What stories do you tell?

  • What feels great, what doesn't?

Practice makes powerful messaging.

For guidance to organize your messaging checkout sales tip #17 and access the Value Messaging Worksheet.


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